How We Help
1. Prayerful Conversations with Planters
Are you interested in planting a church in California? If so, let’s talk. We’ve been where you are and we would love the opportunity to dream with you about the possibilities and pray with you through the process.
2. Vision Trips
Feeling called to California, but not sure where? We can help with that. We finance and hosts vision trips for potential planters to visit the Golden state and scout church planting locations.
3. Connection to Partners
Do you have a God-given dream of planting a church but lack the partnerships to bring it to fruition? Once a planter commits to plant in California, we help by connecting them with our partnering organizations and churches. (Please keep in mind that each of these partners has their own evaluation process by which they determine if a partnership is a possibility).
4. Start Up Funding
Church planting isn’t cheap. . . especially in California. That’s why we provide funds to help new plants cover some of the early startup costs for necessities such as equipment, marketing, and outreach.